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- The steps a professional should take when cleaning your carpet.
- Convenience, performance, and sustainability drive new innovations, including ultra-concentrated laundry detergents.
- How an egg timer gets your whites cleaner, plus more important tips about chlorine bleach.
- The main benefits of energy-efficient appliances include saving money on operating costs and utility bills and protecting the environment by conserving energy. Energy-efficient models save money with lower operating costs — using 30 to 50 percent less energy than many older appliances, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
- The IICRC provides a consumer referral service to locate trained and certified cleaning and restoration firms and technicians.
- For people who suffer from asthma and allergies, dusting can be a great way to avoid asthma & allergy triggers such as dust mite feces and pollen. The trick is to remove dust rather than spread it around.
- Vacuuming is an essential part of limiting exposure to asthma and allergy triggers such as pet dander, dust mites, pollen and other allergens.
- The Association of Specialists in Cleaning and Restoration explains cellulosic browning.
- Cleaning carpet may seem like more of a chore than dusting a coffee table, but properly cleaning and maintaining your carpet makes all the difference in the world.
- Families that spend more time in nature may see surprising benefits. For starters, when the family and kids are outdoors, they are not underfoot and making housekeeping challenging. But there is much more...
- “I can see clearly now.” And you will, when your windows are sparkling, thanks to a little elbow grease and your proficiency with a squeegee.
- Spring cleaning is still a tradition for many Americans – 62 percent of those surveyed say spring cleaning is an annual ritual in their home.
- Four steps to cleaning your toilet bowl effectively.
- When it comes to living green, especially during winter, people are often struck with the paralysis of analysis. But every little bit helps; even minor changes in the home and workplace can positively impact sustainability.
- If you intend to burn wood to help this winter's heating bill, check out these safety tips from the Chimney Safety Institute of America.
- Find out about your cleaning style, and take steps to improve your housekeeping.
- 82% of 18-29 year-olds will spring clean this year, 15% more than the national average. Read on to see why.
- Organizing means pitching out clutter. It also means ditching the excuses that keep you disorganized.
- Be organized by creating a reference guide for your whole family.
- Are you a clean freak or a more easy-going type? Customize your cleaning habits to your personality and self-expectations.