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Your Housecleaning Style

Categories: Motivation
Tagged: Housekeeping, Motivation

House cleaning standards have relaxed since the nineteenth century when experts warned that not changing the sheets weekly could prove fatal. As any college student knows: this is not true. So, how does one come to a household routine, a certain personal standard and style? Obviously, family has an impact, as does current lifestyle. But what about personality?


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Your personality affects your indoor environment:


  • Impatient? Then you need a cleaner and a plan that work fast!

  • Perfectionist? Then you need the “right” cleaner and the best tools.

  • Attracted to the newest tech? Then you want the latest cleaning equipment and products. One of the newest trends is to remove oneself from the grunge. Sponges appear on handles, and mops are made in such a way that hands never touch buckets or floors. Browse for further information.

  • Environmentalist? Then you buy green cleaners and are attracted to natural scents such as grapefruit and orange or fragrance-free products.

  • Romantic? Then packaging is important, as are floral aromas.

  • Health conscious? You’ll want to educate yourself about allergies and asthma, or whether a cleaner can truly tackle Salmonella and E. coli. Read more elsewhere on the site for healthy tips on cleaning methods, tools and chemicals.

  • Live for the shine? I read once about a woman who wiped down all the bathroom faucets every day before she left her house for work, because otherwise she could not live with herself. She had high self-expectations and valued the aesthetic. When she walked in the door at night she wanted to see sparkle. Read more about getting the details just so in other articles on this site.

  • Creative type? Pick out home furnishings that say “you” so much that — even if they require special care and extra steps to clean — they constantly reinforce your feeling that you made the right purchase. Read more at to find out how to decorate with cleaning in mind.

Housecleaning is undergoing a vast transformation in the 21st century. While it is still labor-intensive and hands-on (although becoming less so), we’re still searching for — and finding — easier, more effective and visually pleasing ways to get things done. Keep an eye out for the tools and methods that best serve your personality.

Your Housecleaning Style:  Created on December 16th, 2005.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About Elizabeth B. Goldsmith, Ph.D.

Elizabeth B. Goldsmith, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized household and consumer expert. She has written dozens of journal articles and several textbooks including Resource Management for Individuals and Families, 4th edition (2010) (Prentice-Hall), and Consumer Economics: Issues and Behavior, 2nd edition (2009) (Prentice-Hall). She is also the author of three books published by Wiley & Sons: Carpet Cleaning Tips for Dummies, Green Cleaning for Dummies, and Green Your Home (with five other authors). She has been quoted by USA Today and other major  media, and has served as a product judge for the International Housewares Association.  Time management, organization, and healthy indoor environments are areas of specialization.