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- Home improvements and repairs can cost thousands of dollars and are the subject of frequent complaints. Here are helpful tips when selecting a contractor.
- Getting From Thought To Action.
- Principles you can apply in your organizing journey to achieve lasting change.
- You don't have to cough up a fortune to get your life in order.
- Check out three ways you can improve your organization and save money.
- Tips on cleaning and caring for wood furniture.
- A growing number of homeowners are realizing that it's a good idea to prepare their home for cooler weather - just as they would their wardrobe and vehicles.
- Getting ready to go in the morning is hectic enough, so make sure your coat closet is streamlined for quick and easy access to your winter wear.
- Your carpet's fibers, whether natural or man-made, dictate the method you should use for regular deep cleanings.
- Scientists have perfected microbial formulations for cleaning use.
- Observing its 125th anniversary in 2010, Good Housekeeping has served as a source of practical information to successfully run a home.
- From getting out blankets, replacing smoke detector batteries, and flipping mattresses, many people start "flipping" their home routines when the seasons change.
- How to develop cleaning skills in your children.
- Transform your home in ... minutes.
- To help direct home owners and businesses during cleanup efforts, IEHA, and its education partners share steps for preventing mold growth after a catastrophic flood.
- Green carpet is more than a color.
- Room-by-room green cleaning and sustainable living tips for men (and women too).
- The EPA does not permit green certification of disinfectants by organizations such as Green Seal, so when disinfection is necessary and a “green” approach is desired, consider the following...
- The Green Label program is replaced by the stronger and more comprehensive Green Label Plus standard.
- Organizing your home can reduce stress levels, and there are easy ways to declutter while being mindful of the environment.