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Getting Motivated To Get Organized

We all know that to lose weight, we need to take in fewer calories than we expend. We all know we need to eat healthy and exercise. However, how many people do you know who are still overweight? Knowing what to do and actually doing it are sometimes worlds apart. When it comes to getting organized, there isn't much difference. Getting motivated to tackle an organizing project is a challenge for many people.


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Begin by changing your mindset. Your beliefs, attitudes and thoughts create your life's circumstances. When you change those negative thinking and speaking habits (and yes, they are habits) you begin to change your life. You must begin thinking and speaking differently. Right now, you might think, "I'm a packrat" or "I just can't let go of anything" or maybe even, "I'll never get organized."


It is absolutely crucial that you understand the link between those negative thoughts and beliefs and the state your life is in. You will never change your situation unless you begin changing those negative thoughts and language. Change your self-talk and your speaking so that when you catch yourself thinking or saying those negative phrases, you can immediately STOP and switch the thoughts or words to something positive. It can be hard to do, but it's so important to your success.


Try saying, "I love my organized life" or "I love clearing clutter out of my life" or even "It's easy for me to part with things." Even if it's not true at the moment, the point of the exercise is to change your beliefs and the only way to change your beliefs is to change your thoughts and language. The more you change your self-talk and language, the more motivated you'll be to change your behaviors, habits and physical environment.


Next, try getting motivated by enlisting a buddy to help you with your project. An organizing project can be a lot more fun with a friend, plus it goes faster and you tend to stay on task and focused. Another idea for getting motivated is to focus on your desired result rather than the idea of all the work in front of you. When you want to achieve anything, be it a fitness goal, a landscaping project or getting organized, focusing on your goal goes a long way to getting and keeping you in action.


So there you have my three great recommendations for getting motivated to act … Change your self-talk and language, enlist help and support, and focus on your goal. If you employ these strategies consistently, you'll be on your way to organized in no time!

Getting Motivated To Get Organized:  Created on March 14th, 2006.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About Monica Ricci

Monica Ricci

Monica Ricci has been an organizing and productivity specialist since 1999. She offers on-site consulting, as well as motivational seminars and workshops. Monica has been featured on HGTV's Mission: Organization and is the author of Organize Your Office In No Time. Reach Monica at or 770-569-2642.