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- The junk drawer can easily become the darkest, most mysterious cranny in the house. Debbie Williams sheds a little light on it here.
- Most indoor household dust that collects on furniture and floors actually comes from outdoors, a new study finds.
- Gleaning the facts amid the controversy.
- A major educational campaign, launched June 23, 2011 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), informs the public of the infection preventionist’s role in healthcare settings and ways in which patients can stay safe from infections.
- It's time for a new standard of organization: an imperfect one.
- The CRI Seal of Approval program identifies effective carpet cleaning solutions and equipment. Only the best pass the test.
- Scientists are finding germs are apparently smarter, tougher and more organized than anyone ever imagined.
- Your health deserves a basic understanding of where asbestos can be found and what you should do if your home has it.
- Nancy Bock addresses how to prevent mineral deposits on glassware and how to remove mold on tent fabric without ruining its water resistant properties.
- Nancy Bock of the American Cleaning Institute answers questions about removing toothpaste and potato chip stains.
- Getting organized is all about what to keep, what to let go of and how to store the rest.
- Narrow enough to escape frequent notice, aluminum window frames need cleaning, too.
- Clearing your home of asthma triggers.
- Frequent cleaning is so important for an asthma sufferer's respiratory health. But how do you know which products to use?
- Do homemade green cleaners disinfect? Antimicrobial Test Labs (ATL) puts one recipe to the test.
- Create a laundry system to tame this frequent task.
- Don't be one of the tens of thousands who end up in emergency rooms each year because of gardening accidents.
- Keep electrical cleaning appliances from becoming hazardous.
- Learn how to keep blacks black, protect bright colors in the laundry, and get rid of melted chocolate on your clothes.
- The American Lung Association provides resources to counter peak asthma rates in back-to-school months of September and October.