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- Water is the lifeblood of civilization - a necessity for life and health of man, animal, and plants. However, water also has the power to wreak havoc as a silent thief, stealing peace of mind and ruining property.
- Though found in kitchens and bathrooms, hardwood cabinets are not immune to water. Here's how to care for them.
- How to keep things organized and tidy during the summer months.
- You can get a lot done in bite-sized chunks of time!
- Organizing expert Marcia Ramsland reveals easy secrets to ridding your life of last-minute stress.
- A good storage plan goes a long way toward smoothing out your whole life.
- Protect your planks!
- Integrated pest management (IPM) is a preventive method for controlling pests or "bugs" by removing their food supply and keeping them out of homes - or from traveling within or between homes - instead of relying on pesticides.
- If you're out of ideas - or steam - here are ten easy projects to keep clutter from overtaking you.
- A baker's dozen ideas for getting control of clutter.
- Five ways to be prepared for disasters and emergencies in no time.
- You CAN organize your entire home, starting with bite-sized tasks that aren't so overwhelming.
- How to make sure you can find that official document when you need it!
- Creative and practical cleaning ideas you may want to adopt today.
- Can't find the pickles? Try these quick tips to get the ice box in line.
- A little light work keeps floors protected and clean.
- Organizing expert Maria Gracia tells how to sidestep the pitfalls on your way to the organized life.
- If they’re going to be underfoot anyway, they may as well clean the baseboards!
- Careful planning, preparation, and applying can make wallpapering a much easier task.
- Reduce hassle headaches with these tips to help bring your life under control.