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- Whether they slide or swing out, your windows need more cleaning than just the glass in order to function at their best.
- Map out the flow for your home office.
- With or without chemicals, the right approach clears the blockage so water can drain freely.
- Motivate your family! Borrow a technique from the commercial cleaning world to do the best, most efficient cleaning job possible.
- Look around your house and yard for inventive ways to accent flowers for your home.
- 10 steps to an orderly garage.
- The garage was designed to store your vehicles. Funny how so many other things can begin to infringe on that space. Get serious and discard, for it’s not the attic.
- For most of us, 'out of sight – out of mind' means we relegate all of our ‘stuff’ into the junk drawer of the house – the garage. Here's how to do it effectively.
- What you don’t see can hurt you. Invisible to the naked eye, a world of microorganisms (living things so small you need a microscope to see them) lives in soil, on your skin, in your mouth, on the floor, doorknobs, cell phones, walls, computer keyboards, or countertops — pretty much everywhere.
- Spruce up your forgotten stuff and you can have a garage sale to remember, says home fix-up expert Beverly DeJulio.
- You may be better able to win the race for (storage) space with your closet, if you heed a few hints.
- Using one important principle to prioritize items on your to-do list can improve your productivity. Find out how.
- 10 ways to dangle your own carrot.
- Not enough free time in your day? Use these ten tips to help you get more organized, simplified, and add minutes to your day.
- Reaching your goals requires more than good intentions. Here's how to find your focus and break down your goals into achievable steps.
- Organizing is not all about buying a bunch of plastic tubs, even though we sometimes think so.
- The most common home invader spoils the sugar and may be destroying wood in the walls.
- When you're done, take a deep breath and admire your work.
- The Soap and Detergent Association Offers Online
fact sheet for useful laundry and fabric care products
- While winterizing our home may be a chore we rather skip, doing so can reduce heating costs and prevent disaster. Here is a breakdown of essential winterizing steps to take.