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- What never moves but disturbs your peace, eats up your time and fills your home with sneeze-inducing dust? It may sound like an elementary school riddle but it’s no joking matter when the answer is clutter.
- Using one important principle to prioritize items on your to-do list can improve your productivity. Find out how.
- The convenience of microwave cooking can also present a few challenges—such as making sure that food prepared in a microwave is cooked to its safe temperature.
- How much time does a person sit at home and how does it affect his or her overall health? Some studies note that worldwide the average person spends roughly 300 minutes, or 21% of their day sitting; many people spend much longer.
What can remain after we get up? In many cases, “fallout”...
- Name change recognizes past, advances future.
- Follow these tips for helping to keep your home pest-free.
- How can homeowners undo the mess and ensure their home is safe, clean, and livable once again?
- ACI and AAFCS have launched "Warm Hands, Warm Hearts," an effort to gather gloves, mittens and hand soap for those affected by Superstorm Sandy.
- Organizing isn’t always about overhauling that room or digging everything out of a closet. Sometimes it is the simple, small steps that keep you organized.
- 10 tips to help you get organized.
- Three simple steps to keeping your home clean on a daily basis.
- Do you have tough spots or stains that you can't get off your dishes or cookware? Here's how to remove them.
- When all you want to do is get the house clean, you’re probably not too focused on getting organized. There are surfaces to dust, floors to mop and bathrooms to scrub. There’s no time to get things all lined up in a row, right? Wrong.
- When furniture shopping, keep storage and organization in mind. If you like a simple, clean design, then you are going to hate it cluttered with things. Make sure to choose pieces that will hold and organize the things you own.
- Did you know that easy-to-fix household leaks could waste at least 10,000 gallons of water per year (and 10 percent of your water bill)?
- TURI's lab tests whether vinegar is truly an effective germ killer.
- Consumers are eager to clean windows, blinds, curtains, clothing, closets & drawers: 72% of households spring clean every year, ACI survey shows.
- There is good news for the estimated one in five allergy sufferers who have pets: There are ways you and your pet can live together.
- Organize your winter wardrobe to stow away for next year.
- Finding ways to be more energy efficient and eco-positive isn’t just good for the environment — it can be good for your home, your family and your bottom line.