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- It’s not just you — many people have trouble throwing away. If you’re asking, “Should I keep that?” the Housekeeping Channel has the right answers.
- You shouldn’t merely scratch the surface. Do the thorough job that makes your home do more than shine.
- Dust is everywhere, but you can keep it within healthy limits.
- Are you a clean freak or a more easy-going type? Customize your cleaning habits to your personality and self-expectations.
- Wow guests for much less than the price of a remodel!
- No matter how conscientiously you clean, dust is a part of your environment. Bust dust with our help.
- Your home’s exterior takes a beating from mother nature, but you can intervene. A once-or-twice-yearly cleaning may also reveal a gutter or roof in need of attention.
- The garage was designed to store your vehicles. Funny how so many other things can begin to infringe on that space. Get serious and discard, for it’s not the attic.
- There’s utter clutter! It doesn’t just happen overnight. Be disciplined, and “steady as you go” to prevent facing one very big job later.
- Don’t throw money out in the wash. No need to rely on professional cleaners when you learn laundry basics.
- Moisture makes a fertile breeding ground for mold and mildew.
- We only have one earth. Love it, and when you clean, think “green” or natural.
- In today’s multi-tasking, non-stop world, demands upon your time are greater than ever. Make the most of what’s precious: your time.
- Take your home from messy to magnificent in only 48 hours!
- Want comparable quality at a lower price? Buy store brands says Consumer Reports, in the August 2005 Issue.
- Consumer Reports confirms that gas-powered pressure washers have a clear performance edge over electric models. But more pressure also means more chance for injury with any pressure washer.
- Tips for a tidier toilet from Graham and Rosemary Haley.
- EPA's Science Advisory Board has identified perchloroethylene as a possible to probable human carcinogen.
- Online fact sheet focuses on using laundry detergents the right way.
- Got fine wood or wooden antiques? Here's advice from the Museum Management Program of the National Park Service (NPS).