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- Should you spot clean or paint? And if you wage wall dirt war, what's the best way to remove offending marks without creating more problems? Our HC experts weigh in on the best ways to clean your walls.
- It's time to become an informed carpet purchaser. Know your fibers and how they will perform in your home.
- It takes more to get rid of fleas than simply treating your pet.
- EPA offers Spanish Web pages telling what you (or your Spanish-speaking friends) need to know about the home environment and family health.
- Selected tips from the Dummies book: Asthma for Dummies
- Ten simple year-round reminders for consumers to help keep their families safe.
- The Soap and Detergent Association’s (SDA) spring cleaning survey reveals consumers’ cleaning personalities, purchasing patterns
- Get it over and done with!
- Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.
- Pumping dirt is the new exercise craze combining aerobics, calisthenics, weight lifting, and, yes, housecleaning.
- Use soft water and you'll do less hard scrubbing.
- You don't have to cough up a fortune to get your life in order.
- The right kind of time spent on yourself provides a launching pad for the things you want to do with your life.
- Carbon filter? Reverse osmosis? Water softener? Ultraviolet system? Find answers here.
- Getting From Thought To Action.
- Being sure stoves and other kitchen appliances are energy efficient could save you some dough.
- While infant formula with iron may be good for your baby's nutrition, chances are it's wreaking havoc on your laundry.
- Breaking a favorite item is disheartening, especially when you don't know how to fix it. One important tip to remember is that not all adhesives are created equal.
- Answers to this and other important housekeeping questions from cleaning expert Don Aslett.
- Don Aslett's pet subject is housecleaning. If you love your furry friends and are committed to keeping them, here's how to deal with the occasional "oopsie."