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Basic Housekeeping - Dusting

By HC Staff

It’s only a little dust, right? Funny how those tiny specks multiply into a fine-film coating on your furniture, shelves, floors and even where you can’t see it, on carpets and upholstery.


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Complex tools aren’t needed here, but rather a microfiber cloth or hand mitt, a damp cloth (which could be last year’s T-shirt or towel alternately enhanced with a dust treatment rather than dampened with water) or if you want to get fancy, you could purchase a wool or Swiffer®-type duster.


Your bedding and upholstery needs a good dusting, too, with your vacuum and attachments. Dust mites that encourage allergic reactions just love a nice, soft mattress or cushion that hasn’t been cleaned; many of today’s better vacuums do a superb job of dust collection without putting much back into the air. Don’t forget walls, ceilings or molding, for dust will settle anywhere eventually.


Vacuum and wipe refrigerator coils and under the appliance. Dust tends to build up here.


Plan on using a few cloths each time you dust, so you don’t spread the fine particles around. Before using any specific products on your furniture, read instructions and warranties, so that your good intentions don’t backfire and ruin a treasured possession. Read more on dusting.


Basic Housekeeping - Dusting:  Created on December 13th, 2005.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014