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- Nancy Bock of the American Cleaning Institute answers questions about removing toothpaste and potato chip stains.
- Here is a short checklist to help make sure you are prepared for company.
- Skincare and other household products containing benzoyl peroxide can put bleached spots on carpet and fabrics.
- Beautify your home with easy-to-maintain décor.
- How to minimize the mess your pint-size Picassos make.
- Your family may not be the only ones enjoying the sofa. The soft, comfortable places where families relax and play at home can harbor millions of bacteria. For example, Staphylococcus bacteria can live on soft surfaces for 24 hours. Here's what to do about it.
- Dust is everywhere, but you can keep it within healthy limits.
- Study shows vacuuming & steam
vapor sanitizing effective.
- A clean home is a comfortable home — for both you and your pet.
- What you should expect from a professional cleaning firm.
- Restoring carpets and floors can help get a home ready for sale.
- By showing it a little TLC and implementing these IICRC suggestions, our furniture can continue doing what it does best - supporting us and looking good!
- Routine maintenance is vital as is periodic help from skilled professionals.
- Keys to asthma-proofing your home.
- Special care products to make fabric cleaning easy, fast and economical.
- The kinds and care of leather upholstery.
- Stain removal products containing oxygen bleaches must be used correctly or bleach spots may result.
- Cleaning expert Don Aslett solves the pet hair problem.
- Damage to textiles from pet accidents only worsens as time goes by. Find out how to take the appropriate action early on.
- Act Quickly! Ninety percent of the spots on carpet and upholstery can be removed completely if they are absorbed, blotted and flushed within two or three minutes.