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Pet Fur Frenzy

Sometimes it's the shortest members of the family — the ones who walk on all fours — who make the most mess. They have only the best of intentions, of course. So you let them off. Yet someone — probably you — still has to deal with the fallout, so to speak. Don Aslett offers the following expert advice for keeping up on pet hair:


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  • Groom pets regularly, especially pets with long hair or heavy coats, and any pet in shedding season. Get it before it gets all over.

  • A dampened cloth will remove hair from most hard surfaces well, and on soft surfaces like upholstery it will lift the hair so you can get it with a vacuum. A dry sponge is a good hair remover, too.

  • To remove hair effectively from upholstered furniture and other soft, smooth surfaces, you need a vacuum with a beater brush or power wand, or a handheld model with same.

  • A pet rake has stiff, crimped bristles that work well on carpet, soft furniture, bedding, drapes, car interiors and the like.

  • A lint roller does a good, quick job on clothes.

  • A dustmop is best for hair on hard floors.

Excerpted from Don Aslett's book, No Time to Clean: How to Reduce & Prevent Cleaning the Professional Way.


Pet Fur Frenzy:  Created on October 19th, 2004.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About Don Aslett

Don Aslett

Leading cleaning expert Don Aslett began teaching and writing about cleaning efficiency in the mid-70s, and in 1980 wrote his first book, Is There Life After Housework? He is the author of more than thirty books that have sold over 3,000,000 copies, including several best-sellers. His books have been translated into a dozen languages. His Web site is