When you produce more and get more out of your days, you become more valuable to yourself and others. You become more needed and loved, and is there anything we want more than that? If we were only allowed a one-word epitaph, I’d want mine to be “productive.”
Tips for Success
- Pick things that excite you.
- Focus on results, not efforts.
- High producers don’t ignore the rules.
- Do your own planning and preparation.
- Make sure it’s worth the time.
- Don’t let schedules be shackles.
- Be aware of the top time thieves: overkill, overanalyzing, delayed decision-making.
- Doers don’t try. They do.
- Be early. Work ahead, not behind. Early eliminates deadline stress.
- Be effective, not efficient.
- Concentrate your time where it counts.
- Be sure you’re threshing, not thrashing.
- Mental alertness will up your production.
- Keep things convenient.
- Keep yourself available.
- Quit stalling before starting. Get moving – it will motivate you.
- Do it now and perfect it later. Facing it is easier than fearing it.
- Make sure everything around you works.
- If you feel like giving up, you’ve almost reached your goal.
What will happen when you become a go-getter and start producing more? You’ll have more time than you ever had before. You’ll be in demand, instead of being demanded of all the time. You’ll have more time than you ever had before. You’ll know, maybe for the first time in your life, that you really matter. When people are convinced that they make a difference, they make a difference.
Excerpted, adapted and condensed from Done! (c) 2005, Don Aslett. Used by permission of Marsh Creek Press. All rights reserved.