When it comes to selling your home in a tough market, Realtors say a few simple, cost-effective improvements can make a big difference. [Note: Ad or content links featured on this page are not necessarily affiliated with IICRC (The cleantrust) and should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by IICRC (The cleantrust)].

For instance, the first thing many prospective buyers notice in a home is its floors. Restoring - rather than replacing - carpets and tired or worn floors could make a better first impression and save you the cost of installing new ones.
The following tips could help get floors and your home in sellable condition:
- Remove noticeable carpet stains. While it's recommended that you use a professional, if you do the cleaning yourself, use products made for carpet and carefully follow manufacturers' instructions. See also the Stain Removal Wizard produced jointly by the IICRC and The Housekeeping Channel.
- Remove worn-out carpet over existing wood floors. Fill any staple holes with putty. Then sweep, vacuum and carefully clean. Refinish as needed.
- Keep dirt out by using entry mats at all doors. Eighty to 90 percent of the soil found on floors is tracked in from outside.