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- No matter how conscientiously you clean, dust is a part of your environment. Bust dust with our help.
- Protect your investment by taking simple precautions, and properly clean floors.
- Basic cleaning tools that save time and money.
- While cleanliness may be next to godliness, it’s also very closely related to disinfection.
- Dust is everywhere, but you can keep it within healthy limits.
- Got fine wood or wooden antiques? Here's advice from the Museum Management Program of the National Park Service (NPS).
- Here are some tips from the International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA) on how to properly care for and maintain one of the hardest working surfaces in your house.
- Moisture makes a fertile breeding ground for mold and mildew.
- The closest thing you'll find to a miracle cleaning material:
microfiber is hot.
- Start working efficiently now to take the "big" out of the big spring projects.
- According to a Consumer Reports ShopSmart Poll, the bathroom is the least favorite place to clean, and people prefer vacuuming.
- Homeowners can take a number of steps to improve air quality and create a healthier living environment.
- Shave minutes off your weekly cleaning routine for big time savings.
- Sweeping can be downright simple if you follow a few basic principles.
- How to reach tip-top clean with less caustic chemicals.