Home Improvement
- There is no foolproof way to protect your home against a break-in, as a determined thief will find a way, but certain steps will help deter it.
- The best way to start a basement remodel is to understand the important dos and don'ts before you begin.
- The main benefits of energy-efficient appliances include saving money on operating costs and utility bills and protecting the environment by conserving energy. Energy-efficient models save money with lower operating costs — using 30 to 50 percent less energy than many older appliances, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
- Many tenants worry about getting their security deposits back. Having a professional service clean the unit after everyone has moved out is one way to help guarantee the unit will be clean and ready for inspection by the landlord.
- If you or your family are among the many Americans who move into a new home each year, these tips can help ease the transition.
Sorry, we currently don't have any Blogs listed in the Home Improvement category.
- Guide to organizing your home with step-by-step instructions for hands-on projects and full-color photos.
- A guide to inspecting and making repairs to every part of the house.
- Details the often overlooked subject of dust and its impact on humans and the planet.
- Whether you're a renter, a landlord, or a homeowner, Jeff May's Healthy Home Tips will help you keep your home a clean and healthy place to live.
- Cut the clutter, calm your chaos, speed your cleaning and make time for the good things in life!
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