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P&G Professional Offers Free Online CEH-REH-Level Courses
P&G Professional is pleased to offer those who hold CEH and REH status from IEHA free online courses for CEU credits. Help Protect Your Home Against Burglary
There is no foolproof way to protect your home against a break-in, as a determined thief will find a way, but certain steps will help deter it.Spring Cleaning Tips from IEHA
While motivation to clean often comes easier in the Spring, with sunny days, warmer weather and nature in bloom; the right attitude, tools and know-how truly make the difference.Not Just for Looks: Outlining Reasons for Clean Schools
When a school looks clean and healthy, people tend to have a positive attitude about it. But looks can be deceiving: a clean-looking school may have been cleaned merely for appearance and not for health. Desks may have heavy chemical residues and bacterial contamination. Restrooms may have been treated with a harsh disinfectant — the sink handles wiped but not sanitized. A fragranced deodorizer or air freshener may be hanging in the air emitting chemicals without addressing the source of the odor.How to Get Fit – Tips for Baby Boomers
Consider these workout tips for baby boomers to help you enjoy and stick with your workout routine.Simple Steps To Improve Indoor Air
Homeowners can take a number of steps to improve air quality and create a healthier living environment.IEHA Tips - Keep Your Move Smooth
If you or your family are among the many Americans who move into a new home each year, these tips can help ease the transition.Why Your Child Should Discover Nature - and How This Helps Your Housekeeping
Families that spend more time in nature may see surprising benefits. For starters, when the family and kids are outdoors, they are not underfoot and making housekeeping challenging. But there is much more...Put Your House On An Energy Diet
Is your budget squeezed by high electric bills? Put your house on an energy “diet.”Got Flooding? Expert Help is Available
To help direct home owners and businesses during cleanup efforts, IEHA, and its education partners share steps for preventing mold growth after a catastrophic flood.
10 Ways to Control Pests at Home Without Poisons
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a preventive method for controlling pests or "bugs" by removing their food supply and keeping them out of homes - or from traveling within or between homes - instead of relying on pesticides.Water Testing Helps Ensure Better Water For Homeowners
Homeowners use water for many purposes, including drinking, cooking, washing, heating, humidifying, flushing (the No. 1 use of water in a home) and their pets. Those are just a few reasons homeowners should make sure they understand what’s in their water.Be Green and Healthy - At Home And Away
Finding ways to be more energy efficient and eco-positive isn’t just good for the environment — it can be good for your home, your family and your bottom line.Living With Allergies—And Animals
There is good news for the estimated one in five allergy sufferers who have pets: There are ways you and your pet can live together.EPA Says: Save 10,000 Gallons in 10 Minutes
Did you know that easy-to-fix household leaks could waste at least 10,000 gallons of water per year (and 10 percent of your water bill)?
IEHA Recommends ‘Slippery’ Surfaces - But It’s Not What You Think
When all you want to do is get the house clean, you’re probably not too focused on getting organized. There are surfaces to dust, floors to mop and bathrooms to scrub. There’s no time to get things all lined up in a row, right? Wrong.Ten Tips On Clutter Control
10 tips to help you get organized.Preventive Pest Control
Follow these tips for helping to keep your home pest-free.Don’t Sacrifice Safety When Using A Microwave
The convenience of microwave cooking can also present a few challenges—such as making sure that food prepared in a microwave is cooked to its safe temperature.
IEHA Shares Three Top Tips for Home Cleaning
These are: Declutter, Resolve to Dissolve, and Contain Don’t Strain.