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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning (2nd Edition)

By Mary Findley & Linda Formichelli

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning (2nd Edition) by Mary Findley & Linda Formichelli

Publisher Info

Penguin Group Inc.

375 Hudson Street

New York, NY  10014 USA


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning (2nd Ed.), by Mary Findley and Linda Formichelli, is fully updated and revised to focus on cleaning the “green” way, without harmful chemicals. This guide takes readers room-by-room, teaching them how to clean thoroughly, efficiently, and in an environmentally preferable way. New and expanded coverage includes information on making small changes that have a huge impact on cleaning difficult areas, "green-ifying" personal care products, and more.

  • Provides specific green cleaning hints and teaches how to clean quickly and effectively
  • Specifies common, safer ingredients, but also offers suggestions for alternatives that readers might like better


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning (2nd Edition) by Mary Findley & Linda Formichelli:  Created on March 29th, 2009.  Last Modified on March 29th, 2009


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