As an exclusive to the Housekeeping Channel, we asked Dr. William E. Berger — one of the nation's foremost experts on allergies and asthma — to share his top 10 housekeeping tips for preventing allergies and asthma in the home. Here are Dr. Berger's tips:
2. Wash all bed linens in hot water (at least 130 degrees) approximately every two weeks.
3. Make sure that your clothes dryer vents to the outside.
4. Use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to keep the humidity in your home below 50 percent.
5. Clean and replace your central heating and air conditioner filters on a regular basis.
6. Cover all wall, floor and ceiling heating vents with special vent filters that clean the air you breathe before it enters your rooms.
7. Use washable curtains or window shades rather than heavy draperies or blinds.
8. Vacuum thoroughly with a high-efficiency filtration vacuum at least once a week, and wear a dust mask when you clean or engage in any activity that might stir up dust.
9. Keep your bedroom as uncluttered as possible, avoiding shelves, posters, pictures, heavy cushions and other dust collectors.
10. To control mold, ventilate your bathroom well, especially after a shower or bath.