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- In today’s multi-tasking, non-stop world, demands upon your time are greater than ever. Make the most of what’s precious: your time.
- You CAN fit the crucial stuff in before visitors show up. Here is a planned strategy!
- Set yours goals and meet them.
- Science says cleaning burns calories! Build a fitness program for you and for your home!
- Every moment is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- Motivate your family! Borrow a technique from the commercial cleaning world to do the best, most efficient cleaning job possible.
- Start now to implement school-time support systems.
- Dr. Arthur Weissman offers tips that can protect your health and surroundings — and just might save you money!
- You can get a lot done in bite-sized chunks of time!
- Assign appropriate jobs by age and maturity.
- Free classified ads online help turn your junk into another man's treasure.
- Break spring cleaning tasks into just one hour a week.
- Five ways to get motivated.
- Take advantage of the seasonal impulse to get moving!
- Start working efficiently now to take the "big" out of the big spring projects.
- How differing personality types affect your home and your family: an interview with Hannah Keeley.
- He said, she said.
- Small acts to maximize the pleasure you take in your clean home.
- An easy step to clear out the clutter.
- HC interviews Marla Cilley, aka FlyLady, on making a permanent difference in your household environment.