Every morning, when I go through the house preparing it for the day’s activities, I do little rituals to finish off the rooms. I flip on the decorative lamp in the living room. I turn on a trickling water fountain in the study. I light a candle* in the kitchen to burn throughout the day. The pretty glow serves as a reminder to keep the kitchen neat and clean.
Here are some ideas you may want to try out in your home:
- Place a beautiful candle somewhere conspicuous. After you get the room shiny, then give yourself permission to light it and enjoy its scent and beauty.
- Buy strings of tiny white lights and drape them over a silk tree or string them along a shelf. Plug them in after you get the room straight.
- Throw open the curtains to bathe that newly cleaned room with light and energy.
- Place a couple of perfect throw pillows on your bed so that you will be motivated to make it up every morning.
- Prepare a perfect cup of cappuccino after you have finished cleaning house.
- Get a beautiful tablecloth to place on the table after it is all cleared and wiped off.
*Editor's note: candles can add pollutants to the indoor environment, so use in a well-ventilated space and choose clean-burning varieties.
Adapted from Hannah’s Art of Home: How to Manage a Home around your Personality.