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Achieving Moms Learn from Chaos

Categories: Motivation
Tagged: Motivation, Simplifying

We all have chapters in life when we feel like we're just treading water. That's okay. That's why they are called chapters. They don't last. We adapt. We learn to manage our time better. We learn to let some stuff go. We've got to. We're moms, and there is a lot more riding on us than just us. Even when we feel like Dorothy, we can't get swept away in the storm. We have to plant our feet firmly on what we believe and stand our ground. The storm rages, but the home needs to stay intact.


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So how do we do it?

First, when life flings us around, it molds us, teaches us, transforms us into better women if we let it. If your life feels a bit out of control, step back and assess it. Is there too much chaff? Too many useless activities or time gobblers? What can you let go so you can focus on the things that really matter in life?

Second, get rid of the guilt. Guilt is useless. It eats up the time and emotional energy that you could be putting toward creating a solution for the chaos in your life. Let that nagging feeling push you forward to start fresh tomorrow and do what needs to be done to get where you want to be.

Third, stand your ground. It often seems like a battle out there. But deep inside you, there is a mom that knows what's right. If the kids are spending too much time on the computer, set a limit and stick to it. If dinner time has slacked off, get in the kitchen and tell everyone when they are expected around the dinner table — no exceptions. Every mom is allowed to show her claws once in a while, especially if it's for a good cause.

Achieving Moms Learn from Chaos:  Created on March 5th, 2007.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About Hannah Keeley

Hannah Keeley

Hannah Keeley is an author, television personality, lifestyle expert, and founder of the Web site,, a complete resource for the mom who is trying to do it all and stay sane in the process. Her newest book, Hannah Keeley’s Total Mom Makeover: A Six-Week Program to Completely Transform Your Home, Health, Family, and Life (Little, Brown & Co, April, 2007), is a life-changing tool to help moms get the most out of life. Hannah also has a monthly Q&A column, "Hannah Help Me!", in which she helps moms handle the typical and not-so-typical misadventures of motherhood. You can also see Hannah as a frequent guest on "The Rachael Ray Show."