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Five a Day

When it comes to de-cluttering, think “five a day” and I’m not talking about fruits and vegetables. This is an easy step to clearing out and organizing your home (and the kids actually think it’s pretty fun, too). It’s a tiny step. But just like all small steps, when you do it everyday, you will be shocked at how quickly the clutter begins to disappear.


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Once you start practicing this method, it becomes addictive. And that’s just what you want it to become — a habit. So, are you ready for this one?

“Five a Day” means finding five items that you want to throw away and five items that you want to give away — every day!

When you begin to let go of items that you no longer need or want, you will be surprised at the stuff that you have hidden away in the nooks and crannies of your home. The kids enjoy this, too. We set a time limit, put on some music, and every one has to find at least two items — one for each “give away” or “throw away” bag. It’s a blast! Okay, so maybe we don’t get out much.

But try this out and watch the clutter go out your front door. Whenever you have a minute (and it really takes just a minute), grab two bags and throw five things that you can give away in one, and five things that you can toss in the trash in the other. Throw the trash in the can outside, and throw the give-away bag into the back of your car, to leave at the local charity drop-off center.

This is so easy.

For example, when you’re putting on makeup, find five old items of makeup that you can throw away (think old mascara and that hideous shade of blush that makes you look like a walking apricot). Now look through your cabinet and find five things you can part with (think of that “where’s the party” beach towel that you’ve had since spring break back in college).


Adapted from Hannah’s Art of Home: How to Manage a Home around your Personality.

Five a Day:  Created on January 11th, 2005.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About Hannah Keeley

Hannah Keeley

Hannah Keeley is an author, television personality, lifestyle expert, and founder of the Web site,, a complete resource for the mom who is trying to do it all and stay sane in the process. Her newest book, Hannah Keeley’s Total Mom Makeover: A Six-Week Program to Completely Transform Your Home, Health, Family, and Life (Little, Brown & Co, April, 2007), is a life-changing tool to help moms get the most out of life. Hannah also has a monthly Q&A column, "Hannah Help Me!", in which she helps moms handle the typical and not-so-typical misadventures of motherhood. You can also see Hannah as a frequent guest on "The Rachael Ray Show."