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- The Green Label program is replaced by the stronger and more comprehensive Green Label Plus standard.
- Exposing myths of green cleaning.
- With green cleaning, prevention is key. The less dirt you track inside, the less need for cleaning products.
- We only have one earth. Love it, and when you clean, think “green” or natural.
- The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) is the first organization within the soft floor covering sector to earn accreditation as a certification body for indoor air quality by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI).
- Green carpet is more than a color.
- Choose low-toxicity products that clean well. Green cleaning products are those that clean effectively while minimizing negative impacts to health and the environment.
- Do they work? Are they affordable?
- Going green when choosing and installing new carpet.
- CRI adds Green Vacuum Cleaners and Green Cleaning Certification.
- The CRI Seal of Approval program identifies effective carpet cleaning solutions and equipment. Only the best pass the test.
- Small changes in the way you choose cleaning products can make your housecleaning more green and sustainable.
- The Carpet & Rug Institute provides answers to commonly asked questions about carpets, asthma and allergies.
- Living "green" is about more than just energy efficiency and recycling; it's also about giving your family a healthier home.
- The EPA does not permit green certification of disinfectants by organizations such as Green Seal, so when disinfection is necessary and a “green” approach is desired, consider the following...
- Few flooring materials have generated more vigorous discussion than carpet. Why? Many people misunderstand its maintenance requirements or assume that carpet is just an unhealthy product. This Q&A dispels common myths about carpet.
- You might expect a doctor to say: "What You Can't See Can Hurt You!" But who would expect it from a carpet cleaning professional?
- IEHA has announced that the prospectus for its High Performance Cleaning Product (HPCP) Testing Program with the University of Massachusetts Lowell has been finalized and is available for download.
- When it comes to living green, especially during winter, people are often struck with the paralysis of analysis. But every little bit helps; even minor changes in the home and workplace can positively impact sustainability.
- "Going green" requires some forethought and organization, but every little step in that direction is worthwhile. Find out what small steps you can take.