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- How can homeowners undo the mess and ensure their home is safe, clean, and livable once again?
- There are at least two things that can be done to create a clean and healthy indoor living environment.
- Spring cleaning is still a tradition for many Americans – 62 percent of those surveyed say spring cleaning is an annual ritual in their home.
- After learning about dust mites, you too, may want to see if your vacuum cleaner is a CRI certified product.
- How to keep your leather furniture looking its best.
- By showing it a little TLC and implementing these IICRC suggestions, our furniture can continue doing what it does best - supporting us and looking good!
- Naturally, the best way to prevent odor is to eliminate its source (e.g., take out the garbage, smoke or keep pets outside, etc.), but what about existing odors already permeating your home?
- Routine maintenance is vital as is periodic help from skilled professionals.
- Complete avoidance may be difficult, but simple steps can be taken to reduce exposure.
- Nancy Bock of the American Cleaning Institute answers questions about removing toothpaste and potato chip stains.
- How to minimize the mess your pint-size Picassos make.
- IEHA is pleased to share this update on bedbugs from the US EPA.
- Spring cleaning is a misnomer! Fall is by far the best time to clean.
- Observing its 125th anniversary in 2010, Good Housekeeping has served as a source of practical information to successfully run a home.
- The Clean Trust has a few tips to make cleaning easier.
- After a long winter, consumers are ready to tackle the clutter - 60% still regularly engage in spring cleaning, survey says.
- Restoring carpets and floors can help get a home ready for sale.
- The best ways to tackle overlooked jobs like windows, curtains and upholstery.
- Identify the source and attack it intelligently.
- Most indoor household dust that collects on furniture and floors actually comes from outdoors, a new study finds.