All forms of grease, from the globs left on the bottom of a skillet after cooking to the grimy film build-up on the range hood, are fatty acids. As such, the best way to clean it up is to apply an alkaline solution, and to give the solution time to neutralize the acids.
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Many all-purpose household cleaners are alkaline enough for
grease removal, but you can also mix up a solution of equal parts liquid dishwashing
detergent and
water that is both more aggressive and more economical. Spray a generous amount of the solution on the greasy surface and wait a moment. Ten seconds should be fine for light soiling; 30 seconds-plus, or repeated applications, may be necessary for the heavy-duty jobs. Wipe the surface clean using a damp
sponge or cloth. The heavier the grease deposit, the more you’ll have to turn and/or wash out the
sponge or cloth. Dry with a clean cloth.
solvent degreasers are recommended for grease-covered tools or parts. Gasoline, once considered a standby for garage degreasing jobs, is too flammable for safe use.
Grease: Created on November 3rd, 2009. Last Modified on April 4th, 2010
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