Eyeglasses are often prescription lenses made with the use of soft plastics, so they’re easily scratched by inappropriate cleaning methods and can be damaged if cleaned with some solvents.
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Thoroughly clean
eyeglasses by dipping them into a bowl of cool
water containing a small amount of dishwashing liquid. Avoid rubbing the lenses, but gently rub the frames to remove skin oils that can degrade plastic frames over
Rinse in cool
water, then gently wipe glasses dry using a clean facial tissue.
Remove dust from lenses by running cold or cool water over the glasses, then drying with facial tissue.
Don Aslett,
The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A to Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros.
Eyeglasses: Created on November 3rd, 2009. Last Modified on February 18th, 2010
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