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Silk houseplants


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So-called “silk” plants made with plastics may be cleaned by misting water over leaves and petals until water drips off the leaves. Be sure to use a drop cloth under the plant holder to prevent stray drops from wetting carpets, furniture or upholstery.


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You can also simply spray plastic houseplants clean using a bathtub faucet or a garden hose. To remove deposits of airborne grease, spray thoroughly with any mild, all-purpose household cleaner and let stand for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

Some silk plants made with fabrics may not be colorfast. If so, they cannot be water cleaned without the risk of damage. Test for colorfastness on an inconspicuous leaf or petal first by gently rubbing a well-dampened white cloth across the surface. It’s not colorfast if any color transfers to the damp cloth. It’s best to dust non-colorfast silk plants using a microfiber cloth, or by securing a patch of used nylon pantyhose over a vacuum-cleaner hose and gently vacuuming the plant.



Silk houseplants:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on November 3rd, 2009


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