Acoustical tile is a familiar sight in homes and public buildings. As with a "cottage-cheese"-type ceiling, aka an "acoustical popcorn ceiling", this fibrous or foam-based material is great at absorbing sound — along with dust, dirt, grease and smoke.
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Dirt can be removed by using a
dry sponge, either clamped to a pole or hand-held from a ladder. As the
sponge reaches capacity in one spot, switch to a cleaner part of the sponge, then toss it out when it’s dirty all around. Grease, oil and/or smoke discoloration can be removed by the same bleaching method described in the acoustical popcorn entry, above. Fiber-type ceilings cannot be cleaned using a wet process, since tiles will suck up water and cleaning agent along with the soils you’re seeking to remove. These ceilings can be painted, but again, this is done at the expense of the materials’ acoustic properties.
Don Aslett in The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A to Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros.
Acoustical tile ceiling: Created on November 3rd, 2009. Last Modified on January 13th, 2014
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