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Hydrogen peroxide


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The 3-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide widely sold as a health aid is an oxidizer that can be used as a spot remover on most fabrics, even silks, wools and acetates that would be damaged by the chlorine in bleach. It does a good job as a laundry pre-treating agent, removing blood stains and scorch marks. As always, test the fabric in an inconspicuous area before attempting to remove the spot.


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Peroxide (H2O2) is unstable — it has a tendency to lose one oxygen molecule over time, eventually becoming all water (H2O). So pay attention to expiration dates and don’t buy too much of it at one time, or it will lose its effectiveness for any purpose.



Jeff Bredenberg, editor, in Clean It Fast, Clean It Right: The Ultimate Guide to Making Everything You Own Sparkle & Shine.


Hydrogen peroxide:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on November 3rd, 2009


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