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Learning to Recycle with Terry the Trashman

By Terry LeBlanc

Categories: Motivation
Tagged: Book, Recycling
Learning to Recycle with Terry the Trashman by Terry LeBlanc

Publisher Info

Terry LeBlanc

P.O. Box 387

Loyalton, CA  96118 USA


Learning to Recycle with Terry the Trashman, by Terry LeBlanc, is a book designed to introduce kids to the importance of recycling (and their parents too). It shows kids how to recycle, what can be recycled, and what recycled materials become - such as new toys and books. LeBlanc also teaches about hazardous waste, e-waste, and other products that require special recycling, such as oil and tires.


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This illustrated guide is printed on recycled paper and is available by contacting Terry LeBlanc via email: 


About the Author:

Terry LeBlanc is a well-known garbage man who lives in Loyalton, CA. His nicknames include "Terry the Trashman," "Sierra County Bear Catcher," and "Under-Cover Garbage Cop." Terry travels the state of California giving presentations at schools in an effort to create a generation of recycling youths who will in turn, educate their parents to recycle.


Learning to Recycle with Terry the Trashman by Terry LeBlanc:  Created on February 14th, 2012.  Last Modified on February 15th, 2012


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