Learning to Recycle with Terry the Trashman, by Terry LeBlanc, is a book designed to introduce kids to the importance of recycling (and their parents too). It shows kids how to recycle, what can be recycled, and what recycled materials become - such as new toys and books. LeBlanc also teaches about hazardous waste, e-waste, and other products that require special recycling, such as oil and tires.
This illustrated guide is printed on recycled paper and is available by contacting Terry LeBlanc via email: terrythetrashman@cwo.com.
About the Author:
Terry LeBlanc is a well-known garbage man who lives in Loyalton, CA. His nicknames include "Terry the Trashman," "Sierra County Bear Catcher," and "Under-Cover Garbage Cop." Terry travels the state of California giving presentations at schools in an effort to create a generation of recycling youths who will in turn, educate their parents to recycle.