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Housekeeping Channel Producer - Create Video, Submit to HC, Win!
The Housekeeping Channel invites you to create and submit helpful housekeeping-related how-to videos for a chance to win cash and prizes!

HC will give away Housekeeping Channel 'Producer' T-shirts to select consumers who donate winning and helpful how-to videos to assist others. The best videos will be posted online, award-winning 'producers' will be given T-shirts and cash prizes in the form of gift cards in amounts from $25-$50 each, and winners and their edited videos will be promoted in a national press release.

Ready to Enter? Submit your Video Now!

First Round Winning Video

The Housekeeping Channel (HC) does not recommend this DIY cleaner for unsealed granite, marble or stone counters, or on unsealed grouted tile, due to its acetic acid ingredient (from vinegar). Vinegar is acidic and can cause deterioration of mineral content on unsealed surfaces.
Please use this formula in a well-ventilated area.

ATL Tests Homemade Disinfectant

Housekeeping Channel Producer T-Shirts
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