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- Homeowners can take a number of steps to improve air quality and create a healthier living environment.
- How to keep your house clean when you have pets.
- There is good news for the estimated one in five allergy sufferers who have pets: There are ways you and your pet can live together.
- Cleaning strategies to implement when pets are in the household.
- Complete avoidance may be difficult, but simple steps can be taken to reduce exposure.
- How to minimize the mess your pint-size Picassos make.
- A script for sorting and cleaning books.
- Cleaning carpet may seem like more of a chore than dusting a coffee table, but properly cleaning and maintaining your carpet makes all the difference in the world.
- How do you keep carpet looking great? Easy. The simplest way to protect your carpet investment is preserving its quality using products with the green and blue label of the Carpet and Rug Institute’s Seal of Approval Program (SOA).
- The Clean Trust has a few tips to make cleaning easier.
- New pet odor and stain category, new Platinum Level for extractors and systems, and energy efficiency rating option for vacuums introduced.
- Whether you hire a service to clean your carpet or you do it yourself, be sure to precondition it.
- Check the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) for top performers in soil removal, indoor air quality and carpet protection.
- To keep your vacuum cleaner operating at peak levels of performance, follow these simple maintenance tips from the IEHA.
- Seven reasons to go central.
- Extend the useful life of upholstered furniture and keep it looking great by caring for it properly.
- The good news is that the most difficult and expensive measures are not always the most effective – nor are they always necessary.
- Does carpet aggravate allergies, or not?
- Proper vacuuming is the easiest and most effective way to keep carpet clean, while having a positive impact on the cleanliness of your home and the air you breathe.
- The IICRC provides tips for fire victims facing clean up.