Time Saving
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- Get a system that gets cleaning done fast!
- Start working efficiently now to take the "big" out of the big spring projects.
- Prioritizing is the best way to sort and simplify a long to-do list.
- Is spring cleaning obsolete? Here's a new definition.
- They'll hang on to more items than you think.
- What never moves but disturbs your peace, eats up your time and fills your home with sneeze-inducing dust? It may sound like an elementary school riddle but it’s no joking matter when the answer is clutter.
- Shave minutes off your weekly cleaning routine for big time savings.
- This is the time of your life!
- The art of knowing what is where in your ice box.
- Save hundreds of dollars a year by getting organized.
- Speed is less about muscles than about busting time wasters and poor techniques.
- Box it up; move it out.
- Break spring cleaning tasks into just one hour a week.
- Simplify your annual chore day.
- Do smaller cleaning and repair jobs now to prevent big expenses down the road.
- The Clean Trust has a few tips to make cleaning easier.
- Raise your own cleaning crew.
- Simplify your day.
- Overloaded with things that need to be done? Learn how to take some of the load off by delegating effectively.
- Step by step, whip the water closet into a clean place to be.