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- Along with the beauty of winter wonderlands, comes a yearly winterizing check of your home.
- Use methods, products and tools that work for you, not against you, to make your home a healthier place. HousekeepingChannel.com interviews David Mudarri, formerly of the Indoor Environments Division of the EPA.
- Be sure to take a few safety steps before stoking the flames.
- Take a few smart measures before settling in for a warm winter in front of the fire.
- If you live where the winter is harsh, it's all the more important to be prepared.
- An Environmental Protection Agency list of indoor pollutants and solutions that could affect your health.
- It’s silent, colorless, odorless and tasteless, but it can be fatal.
- Carbon monoxide (CO) is a silent killer that can stalk any home with fuel-burning appliances. Within minutes, high concentrations of this odorless, colorless and invisible gas can become lethal. Here's advice from UL on how to protect your loved ones.
- If you intend to burn wood to help this winter's heating bill, check out these safety tips from the Chimney Safety Institute of America.