Time Saving
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- For most of us, 'out of sight – out of mind' means we relegate all of our ‘stuff’ into the junk drawer of the house – the garage. Here's how to do it effectively.
- 10 ways to dangle your own carrot.
- Not enough free time in your day? Use these ten tips to help you get more organized, simplified, and add minutes to your day.
- Principles you can apply in your organizing journey to achieve lasting change.
- Transform your home in ... minutes.
- Be better prepared to select an honest, reliable cleaning service – and enjoy the benefits.
- Four key housecleaning actions to get it done!
- The Carpet and Rug Institute recognizes Service Providers that use proven products and processes to clean carpets.
- Here are more ways to organize your space for productivity and other benefits.
- Kathy answers questions such as: Where should busy moms start in their quest to simplify housekeeping? How does your new book, Real Solutions for Busy Moms, help with managing and simplifying housekeeping? What lessons can moms teach their kids about life from the example they set in keeping house? And more...
- The tireless professionals at the IEHA have a few tricks up their sleeves for accomplishing the most work in the shortest amount of time. Here are just a few that can help you keep your home looking like a showcase.
- Okay, so you are ready for a service to clean your home. Good for you! But, you may ask: “How can I trust someone in my home, or better yet, with a key to my house?”
- Zero in on one project at a time and schedule cleaning in 15- to 30-minute increments
- Ten tips from Marcia Ramsland.
- 9 Tips to Create a Simpler Life
- Every moment is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- Have you ever wondered how other people seem to get so much more done in a day than you do?
- Ever wonder how some people get organized, schedule chores, and get several tasks done at once?
- The only tools and products you need are the ones you use, and organizing your cleaning supplies will make it easier to find what you need.
- Five ways to get motivated.