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- Before you call the plumber, here's what to do.
- According to two studies, flushed toilets spew aerosolized plumes of moisture, bacteria and viruses over many bathroom surfaces.
- The hospital wasn't clean, or your meds were consistently screwed up? The place just isn't safe? Get mad! Complain! Here's how.
- While cleanliness may be next to godliness, it’s also very closely related to disinfection.
- What you don’t see can hurt you. Invisible to the naked eye, a world of microorganisms (living things so small you need a microscope to see them) lives in soil, on your skin, in your mouth, on the floor, doorknobs, cell phones, walls, computer keyboards, or countertops — pretty much everywhere.
- Clean safely, effectively with steam vapor systems.
- Since all germ-killers are considered pesticides, the EPA requires testing to certify manufacturer's claims for safety and effectiveness.
- Key to removing tough toilet bowl deposits.
- Scientists are finding germs are apparently smarter, tougher and more organized than anyone ever imagined.