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Clean Like a Man

By Tom McNulty

Clean Like a Man by Tom McNulty

Publisher Info

Clean Like a Man

18224 Cascade Dr.

Eden Prairie, MN  55347 USA

(952) 294-9909

Whether single or married, most men have a problem with cleaning house: they don’t know how to do it, and they don’t particularly want to learn. The results are usually a messy house, a bitter spouse — or both.


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Clean Like a Man is the solution. It’s the first and only housekeeping primer that tells men how to clean the house their way: getting everything done quickly and easily, without getting too Felix Unger about it. The advice is clear, straight to the point, always informative and often hilarious. Plus, it delivers dozens of tips, tricks and “strategic MANeuvers” guaranteed to streamline the manly cleaning process — saving the time and trouble that make most men view housekeeping as just slightly less painful than a root canal.

Clean Like a Man’s guy-friendly chapters first cover the housecleaning basics, then go room-by-room with easy instructions on dusting, washing and vacuuming your way to a clean, organized home. Men will learn about everything from attacking a refrigerator filled with mummified deli meats to buying the right vacuum cleaner, battling odors, doing laundry and ironing, removing stains, decluttering and much more.

There’s no fussy stuff. Clean Like a Man only covers tasks that matter to men, and the book always cuts to the chase: explaining (for example) how to clean a floor without getting into the history of linoleum.

For guys, it all boils down to getting the place clean and presentable as fast as possible. That’s cleaning like a man — such a great approach to housekeeping, women will love it too!

Clean Like a Man by Tom McNulty:  Created on April 25th, 2005.  Last Modified on January 17th, 2023


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