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Articles, Hints & Tips

matching your search for "disinfection":

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matching your search for "disinfection":

  • Q & A: To Disinfect or Not Disinfect?

    Q: I purchased an all-purpose cleaner at a janitorial supply store that doesn't require rinsing, but I noticed that it makes no claims about killing germs. Do I need to use a germ-killing cleaner for regular cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom in my home? Or do I only need that occasionally? - Carolyn E.
  • Washing Hands to a Familiar Tune

    Keeping kids and the whole family healthy during the school year can be as easy as singing "Row Your Boat" and keeping your home clean.

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HC-Pedia Entries

matching your search for "disinfection":

  • Disinfectant

    Solutions that kill the bugs, but not necessarily any spores.
  • UV-C

    UVC has been shown to inactivate viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungi, whether suspended in air or deposited on surfaces - EPA

Books & DVDs

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Video Clips

matching your search for "disinfection":

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