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Molly Maid of Nashville, Sumner & Wilson Counties

Service Info

3810 Old Hickory Blvd

Old Hickory, TN  37138 US


At Molly Maid of Nashville, Sumner & Wilson Counties, we specialize in deep cleaning a home and then, in most cases, placing that home on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly maintenance plan. We start with a high dusting for dust and webs (including on fan blades, light globes, and ceiling vents). Then, dusting our way down the walls, we dust wall decor, blinds, and knick knacks. All wood furniture is cloth dusted with a furniture polish and glass surfaces washed. Upholstery is vacuumed (including under pillows) and leather furniture wiped down. Baths and kitchens then get a full surface disinfectant and clean including: countertops, sinks, shower walls/doors, toilets, tubs, and the outside of appliances. Finally, all floors are mopped and vacuumed, including edging of carpets and under beds. And did we say that the kitchen and bath cabinets and fixtures are shined?!



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