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Steamatic of Sacramento

Service Info

8200 Berry Ave, Ste 160

Sacramento, CA  95828 US


Zip/Postal Codes Serviced:
94200 95200 95600 95700 95800 95900

Steamatic of Sacramento (S.O.S.)


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S.O.S. offers healthy home services in addition to disaster restoration.

Steamatic of Sacramento's services go far beyond responding 24/7 to a burst water heater, a kitchen fire or other emergencies. S.O.S also provides services to help ensure a healthy home.

Conveniently located at 8200 Berry Avenue in South Sacramento, S.O.S. is capable of residential attic-to-crawl-space cleaning, restoration and remediation services while adhering to the most current and scientific industry standards.

Many structural issues including water intrusion, soot and dust deposition, mold contamination, rodent and pest infestation require both forensic testing capabilities and analytical skills based on experience and education.

Since 1972, (S.O.S) has provided basic in-home cleaning of structural interiors as well as in-home and in-plant cleaning of contaminated furniture, electronics and other belongings. As interior cleaning, restoration and remediation demands have changed, S.O.S. has remained at the forefront of the industry in identifying causes of poor indoor air quality (IAQ). The company's owner has earned a national reputation for providing engineered solutions to correct indoor problems that may affect a family’s health. More information is available at

Whether homeowners have an SOS because of a flooded living room or just want to make their home a healthier place to live, they may call Steamatic of Sacramento (S.O.S.) at (916) 386-8191.


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