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Cleaner & Dryer

Service Info

3232 South Ave.

Toledo, OH  43609 US


Cleaner & Dryer's patented rotary extraction gets your carpet at least 10x's cleaner than other systems. We do a clean water rinse leaving no soap in your carpet. Our system is so efficient that your carpets dry in 1 to 3 hours instead of 1 to 3 days. Our motto is 'If you can not suck out the water how do you suck out the dirt?'.


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Water, fire and mold cleanup and repair is all done with our in house certified crews. We use the latest techniques to save you time and money. We are a preferred service provider for most insurance companies and we will bill your insurance company direct.


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The Housekeeping Channel does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any product or service offered.
Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.