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The Maids Home Services of Austin

Service Info

900 Old Koenig Lane Ste 128

Austin , TX  78756 US



We work very hard to be a professional, competent company delivering the product our customers desire. Our staff is proactive in making sure we are meeting our customers' needs. We are committed to improving our employees' lives by providing a quality place of work and stressing honesty, fairness, integrity, teamwork and dependability.


service continues below ↓

Healthy Touch logoEach cleaning team includes a team leader, an assistant team leader and two team members. Our unique time and motion cleaning techniques enable our teams to work with maximum efficiency. Our Healthy Touch® cleaning system includes 22 quality-cleaning tasks, designed to remove more dirt and contaminants than any other cleaning system. Our regular 22 step cleaning includes:


1. Clean Kitchen Sinks
2. Damp Wipe Cabinet Doors
3. Clean Appliance Exteriors
4. Clean Inside Microwave
5. Load Dishwasher
6. Wash Counters
7. Wash Kitchen Floors

The products we use have been pre-tested to ensure their effectiveness, leaving the customer's home clean, disinfected and deodorized. The Maids cleaning products are citrus-based, nontoxic and environmentally preferable.


8. Clean & Disinfect Toilets, Tubs & Showers
9. Clean Bathroom Sinks and Counters
10. Clean & Disinfect Bathroom Floors
11. Change Towels

All Rooms

12. Edge/Vacuum Carpeting
13. Vacuum Stairs
14. Dust & Vacuum Furniture
15. Vacuum Hard Surface Floors

Our one-of-a-kind, backpack vacuum features a four-filtered, micro-filtration system, which captures particles down to 1/210th the diameter of a human hair. In fact, our system vacuums 52 percent more dirt and contaminants than other vacuums. Nobody gets your home cleaner.

16. Remove Cobwebs
17. Dust Sills & Ledges
18. Dust Wall Hangings

Since the energy crisis of the 1970's, homes have been built virtually airtight and have become saturated with particles and allergens such as dust mites, animal dander, mold, mildew and insect debris. The Maids Home Services cleaning system has quality control built into the entire home cleaning system from the products we use to the services we provide.

19. Pick Up & Straighten
20. Make Beds/Change Linens
21. Clean Entry & Patio Door Windows
22. Empty Trash

We also keep your baseboards, blinds, window sills, door ledges and ceiling fans clean.

Healthy Touch® truly is a breath of fresh air.



We care about our customers and our employees, AND we can prove it.

We ask for feedback from every cleaning via a postage-paid postcard that allows our customers to rate each team member's job in their home. We use this card to evaluate our cleaning and training efforts. Additionally, it provides positive feedback to our team members for work well done.

We clean better because we clean more in depth; for instance, we keep your ceiling fans and baseboards free of dust. We also use specifically designed equipment and selected supplies.

We have dedicated Field Leaders in charge of hiring, training and most importantly, customer service. They call after the first three cleanings to ensure we are meeting your needs. They spend 90% of their time in the field with the teams. They call each customer every 3 months to ask for feedback. If you have any concerns, they will be there to take care of them for you. They also evaluate each team's performance twice a month. Team members not meeting standards are given remedial training. Since we started this feedback system, we have improved our product significantly while improving team member morale and tenure.



Nobody Outcleans The MaidsTM


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