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Cop with a Mop

Service Info

3236 Hillside Drive, Suite 100 (A.Chapel)

Ypsilanti, MI  48197 US


Cop-with-a-Mop is more than just a catchy name. After 25 years as a law enforcement veteran, John Megyese founded this company to deliver quality cleaning services to the greater Ann Arbor and Detroit Metro areas. Cop-with-a-Mop takes pride in its attention to detail, but also recognizes the importance of trust, reliability and security when working at a customer’s home or business. Whether your cleaning needs involve a house, office, factory, dealership, school or other commercial site, we can make it happen. Our rates are very competitive, our scheduling is flexible, and we have 24-hour emergency contact.


Additional services include interior/exterior painting, carpet cleaning, window washing, power washing, property or construction cleanup, and more. For a free quote or more information, please visit our website at


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Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.