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Maid Brigade of Bucks County

Service Info

349 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 12

Bristol, PA  19007 US

(215) 826-9550

Our Maid Brigade office is not managed by some huge national conglomerate, it is owned and managed by a member of your own community. So, you can relax knowing that your satisfaction is truly of utmost importance to us.


There's cleaning your home and then there's the other part of our job - the job of making it easy for you in every way. That's what makes Maid Brigade different from every other cleaning service. For instance, if you contact us via email, rest assured, we'll get back to you promptly. Also, you can access your Maid Brigade account from this webpage and make changes 24/7 - such as pausing service while you are on vacation. Unique to Maid Brigade is our ability to customize each and every client's cleanings to suit your individual needs. Our mission is to clean your home the way you would clean it yourself and to provide you the confidence that allows you to trust us with the key to your home.


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The Housekeeping Channel does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any product or service offered.
Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.