HC-Pedia Entry

Oven, convection

Electric or natural gas? Conventional, self-cleaning, or continuous-clean? Different kinds of convection ovens require varying cleaning and safety approaches. First, you’ll need to determine what kind of range you have and what energy source heats the oven.

We’ve divided cleaning tips into type of oven, as follows:

Oven, continuous-cleaning: Rough, porous interior surfaces distinguish these ranges from their conventional or self-cleaning cousins, which typically have interiors finished in enameled steel or stainless steel. The interiors of continuous-clean ovens still require some hand cleaning now and then to keep them functioning well.

Oven, conventional: A basic electric or gas range that must be cleaned manually.

Oven, self-cleaning: Self-cleaning ranges have a high-heat cycle that incinerates baked-on grease and spills to an ash that can be swept out and wiped clean once all has cooled.

Use the following link to view instructions for cleaning a microwave oven.

Following are some tips applicable to many convection ranges:

Caution: Ammonia will darken aluminum or nickel-plated racks permanently, so test racks and parts in an inconspicuous area for a few minutes before using any ammonia.

Warning: Ammonia is a strong irritant that can cause serious injury to the eyes and respiratory system. While working with ammonia, always wear a mask as well as skin and eye protection, and ensure adequate ventilation. A large portable fan directed at the work site will provide plenty of fresh air.

Warning: Use either ammonia OR oven cleaner – NOT both at the same time! Chemicals in different cleaning products should never be mixed together. Put the bags in a safe place, away from small children or pets. In the morning, untie the bags outdoors, and stand back to let them air out for a couple of minutes. Put on protective gloves and eyewear, and rinse the racks using a garden hose.


Don Aslett, The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A to Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros.


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