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HC-Pedia Entry

CDs (Compact Discs)

Handle CDs by the edges and spindle hole only. To remove a CD from its case, always press down on the spindle tabs at the center of the case while lifting the disc gently along the edge – never attempt to pry it out only along the edges, and particularly not from any single point. Store the disc in its case after use.


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Remove dust with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. Wipe gently from the spindle hole straight to the edge, never in a circular motion. Remove fingerprints from the playing surface – usually the obverse of the title side - by gently wiping the disc with a similar cloth moistened with a solution of clear, uncolored dishwashing liquid, then drying with a soft, lint-free cloth. The solution should be highly diluted. Use no more than one-quarter teaspoon of dishwashing liquid per cup of water.

CD cleaning kits and fluids are also available from music and electronics stores.

Never use stronger cleaners or solvents such as alcohol, which can degrade the disc’s protective coating and ruin the playing surface.


CDs (Compact Discs):  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on December 27th, 2009


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