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HC-Pedia Entry

Blot, blotting

Blotting is a specific procedure in spot removal. It involves transferring the contamination from the affected surface to a more absorbent one. To blot up a spot means to gently absorb it; while vigorous rubbing or scrubbing can frequently make a bad problem worse.


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Blot up excess liquid from spills first, before employing any additional cleaning methods. Proper blotting is accomplished as follows:

• Blot up as much of the spot as you can with clean, dry, white towels or paper towels by pressing down on the spot repeatedly. (Colors in cloths or towels can bleed into the spot.) Rotate the towel to dry areas as necessary. Follow up by putting a small amount of clean water on the spot, and then blot again. If you tend to the spot before it dries, plain water may be all you'll need to get the job done in a surprisingly large number of situations.

• Apply cleaning solution or spot remover to the spot, and then apply pressure over a dry section of toweling to “wick up” as much solution as possible into the toweling. Repeat with dry toweling as necessary to accomplish this. Be sure to follow instructions on spot-remover labeling for best results.



Don Aslett in The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A to Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros.


Blot, blotting:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on December 27th, 2009


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