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Wilsonart laminate


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Use a damp cloth or sponge and mild soap or detergent to clean countertops. Coffee or tea stains may be removed with a mild cleaner and a soft bristle brush. See Wilsonart® sinks for advice on cleaning companion sinks.


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Persistent stains may be removed by preparing a paste of baking soda and water and lightly scrubbing the surface 10-20 times with a soft bristle brush. Clean up the following spills immediately as recommended below and rinse several times:


  • Drain cleaners, oven cleaners: Wipe off countertop immediately, rinse and dry.

  • Dye: Wipe up using all-purpose cleaner or dishwashing detergent. Rinse and dry.

  • Toilet cleaners, rust removers: Wipe up immediately; wash in soapy water, rinse and dry.

Excessive scrubbing will mar the finish, particularly glossy surfaces. Extreme heat from hot pots, pans or dishes can cause blistering or cracking. Steel-wool pads will permanently damage the laminate countertop, and rust from such pads will stain its surface.


Avoid flooding laminate surfaces. If allowed to remain on the surface, large amounts of water can seep between laminate joints, loosening the finish from the wooden substrate and damaging the substrate.



For more information, visit the Wilsonart Care & Maintenance Page.

Wilsonart laminate:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on January 28th, 2012


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